Modern 3D modeling technologies and 3D prototyping are a great opportunity to replicate anything that can’t be moved or transported.
• High quality materials of ethical origin
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… disseminate and represent cultural topics in the field of art through replicating products…
Modern 3D modeling technologies and 3D prototyping are a great opportunity to replicate anything that can’t be moved or transported.
They make it possible to detect with absolute accuracy and to reproduce perfectly similar specimens, avoiding the transfer to another site of the object to be reproduced.
They are therefore able to disseminate and represent cultural topics especially in the field of art through the related replicating products, making direct knowledge of the works accessible to everyone.
In this context Arcstudy offers three-dimensional solid modeling services with prototype products made with innovative materials and 3D prints, using dedicated software and hardware, creating the required products at the appropriate scales.
The young company staff consists of professional figures of various backgrounds, each specialized in a different technical-scientific sector able to cover the needs of study, modeling and prototyping in every sector connected to these technologies.
Arcstudy is currently experimenting with new prototypal acquisition and reproduction procedures with the Archaeological Park of Ostia Antica of the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities in the context of anthropological research in progress, with the aim of digitizing the human finds found at archaeological excavations in the territory of competence of the Park with the aim of preserving the finds found deteriorated if manipulated and at the same time providing documentary support suitable for study and research for the spread results within the international scientific community.
The above is made possible by the availability of technologies such as 3D Scanner (micro and macro) and 3D printers (resin and filament), able to replicate with extreme accuracy the survey of the finds, their processing in 3D modeling and the perfect return with errors not exceeding 0.04 mm.
Among the various fields of application of the above technologies, Arcstudy has deepened specializing in that of Science, since it is increasingly evident, especially in this historical moment, the need to be able to remotely access all kinds of material of scientific interest and, more generally, museum samples of various kinds, in order to continue to teach, disseminate and carry out scientific research.
The digitization of material of scientific interest manages to spread at national and international level, through a 3D visual message, the greatness of our artistic-cultural heritage, currently accessible (in most museum realities) only in situ.
The creation of such a database would also allow scholars from all over the world to continue to conduct their research remotely, saving on travel costs (not allowed in most cases at this historical moment) without this having a negative influence on the quality of research. In addition, scanning and subsequent 3D playback would allow in the educational field, for example, to be able to touch and see up close a unique find without the original being affected in the slightest.
Arcstudy, therefore, is committed to the creation of this database for the realization of an innovative scientific project based on a database that contains 3D models of Italian museum samples, which can be used from one end of the world to the other by students, researchers, scholars, visitors who would also have the opportunity to remotely replicate the museum sample.
It is therefore believed that the great energy made available allows to achieve rewarding and unthinkable objectives until recently, especially in this phase of great limitations for the well-known issues related to COVID-19.
But the creation of the database and 3D reproduction are just some of the applications that are suitable for the technologies available to them.

The virtual visits of the museum collections, the interactive laboratories for students and the research developed, whenever possible, through non-invasive technologies (aimed at preserving the sample from the stress of excessive manipulations that could affect its entirety and therefore alter the studies carried out subsequently on the same samples), are ‘very popular’ themes and extremely interesting for the Scientific Community and above all European that wants to support actions aimed at making culture as close as possible at the click of the current global crisis has also, and above all, affected the cultural sector.
Arcstudy is ultimately absolutely certain of the great scope of its action based on innovative research through methods of acquisition, reproposition and outsourcing of content, which are now possible through its own hardware, software and above all its particularly efficient and effective young researchers on these topics.
Arcstudy therefore makes it already available for a cognitive meeting in order to be able to best present the potential at its disposal and clarify what fields of application may be superimposed on your interests.
Here are our operating bands
The equipment available to Arcstudy offers the possibility to make high-definition three-dimensional scans. The “structured light” technology used allows the acquisition of heterogeneous objects with dimensions ranging from less than one centimeter to several meters.
The digital object obtained will have the same dimensional and aesthetic characteristics as the original piece, with an accuracy level of 40 microns, i.e. 0.04 mm.